Completed by Anna Yegorova Chuchi sleeps the little child'i Like a mouse in a nap'i Like a mouse in a nap'i Like a flower in the garden'i Chuchi sleeps the little child'i Don't listen to the village roosters Aiyu ayu aiyaijadi Don't listen to the village roosters Don't listen to the village roosters Don't wake up mommy Ayu ayu aijayadi Don't wake up mommy Chuchi sleep little child I will flow in the flowers Aiju aiju aijaijadi I will flow in the flowers When I pick the flowers Then I will wake you Aiju aiju aijaijadi Then I will wake you Aiju aiju aijaijadi Then I will wake you Aiju aiju aijaijadi Then I will wake you Aiju aiju aijaijadi Then i will wake you up