Archives for the 6th Raiju Channel Talk Live are now on sale⚡️ "THUNDER" (Tokyo performance) https://tiget.net/events/365114 "ANIMAL" (Osaka performance) Getting ready〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 Raiju Yose III Mama Tarte will also be performing! It would be great if you could buy a ticket Saturday, December 28th, start time 19:30 / 2,500 yen 📍 Nakano ZERO Small Hall 🎟 tiget.net/events/362367 〜 ... https://raiju68.base.shop/ ~~ ... "1" In the format of "1 of XX", send something that is even more normal than "that's true" for XX. Example: 1 of jam, lid is tight "13-17" In order for Raiju to become popular with young people, please tell us what 13-17 year olds are currently doing, and what listeners were into between the ages of 13 and 17. Example: I was into rhythm games. The reason was XXX and XXX. "108" As you may know from Raiju's videos, please send in the "earthly desires" you want to get rid of. In addition to these, we are also looking for sightings (lies are fine) and regular letters!