???????? At Christmas in Italy the streets fill with magical melodies, those of zampognari. I will tell you how and when this ancient tradition began. --- ???????? At Christmas in Italy the streets fill with magical melodies, those of zampognari. I will tell you how and when this ancient tradition began. --- *Activities:* ???? Listening Comprehension ???? Vocabulary ???? Grammar *Level:* ???? A2-B1 *Series:* ???????? Culture In this episode you will find: ???? the complete transcript ???? a list of vocabulary with definitions in Italian and translation in English ???? 5 comprehension tests ???? 7 exercises on vocabulary ???? 1 exercise on prepositions ???? 1 exercise on fare + infinitive or reflexive/transitive verb without fare ???? ready-made flashcards to import into your flashcard app ???? Go here: https://www.italianglot.com/podcast/1... --- Follow these steps to become fluent in Italian: ???? START WITH MY ONLINE COURSES: https://www.italianglot.com/courses/ ???? PRACTICE WITH MY EXERCISES: https://www.italianglot.com/practice/ ???? KEEP IMPROVING WITH MY SIMPLE STORIES: https://www.italianglot.com/stories/ ???? KEEP IMPROVING WITH MY PODCAST: https://www.italianglot.com/podcast-f... ???? PRACTICE WITH ME ON DISCORD: https://www.italianglot.com/community ???? AND ON INSTAGRAM: / italianglot ???? AND ON FACEBOOK: / italianglot ???? GET LOTS OF LEARNING RESOURCES: https://www.italianglot.com/membership/ ???? LEARN ALL ABOUT MY PROJECT: https://www.italianglot.com/ ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/32nJBx3 ---- Music in this video by: Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com/) Title: The show must be go Download: https://incompetech.com/music/royalty... License: CC BY 3.0 (http://goo.gl/BlcHZR) Bensound (https://www.bensound.com) --- #ItalianoPerStranieri #PodcastItaliano #ImparareLItaliano #ItalianLanguagePodcast #VocabolarioItaliano #AscoltoItaliano #LezioniDiItaliano #ItalianoFacile #ItalianoOnline #StudiareItaliano #LearnItalian #ParliamoItaliano #ItalianLessons #ItalianGrammar #ItalianVocabulary #ItalianLanguage #ItalianoL2 #StudiareLingue #LinguaItaliana #PodcastEducativo #LanguageLearning #LanguagePodcast #LanguageLearningCommunity #LearnLanguages #LanguageLearner #Polyglot #Podcast #LanguageStudy #LanguageTeaching #LanguageEducation #italianglot #fluentinitalian #fluentinitalianiwithitalianglot #fluentinitalianpodcast