Hymn 151 of the Christian Harp speaks of the need we feel to hear the soft voice of Jesus, who guides us in everything with great love. “Praise in Voice and Guitar” Channel: https://bit.ly/LOUVOREMVOZEVIOLAO “Sing with the Guitar” Playback Channel: https://bit.ly/PlaybacksDeViolao To Purchase the Christian Harp Recorded in PDF: https:// bit.ly/harpacristacifradaempdf Lyrics: Speak, dear Jesus; Tell me, today! Speak with Your goodness; stay by me; My open heart is for Your voice to hear; Fill me with praises and I enjoy serving You. Speak to me softly! Speak, with lots of love! Winner forever, I will set you free, Speak to me every day, always in a tender tone; I want to hear Your voice and in this same sound. Speak to your children, and, on the good path, By kindness guide them to ask for the holy gift; They will want to dedicate themselves to giving their lives. Obeying Christ and fervently loving Him. As in ancient times, You revealed the law, Show me Your will, and Your holy flock; Let me glorify You, I want to praise You, Sing joyfully and always honor You. Video image by: William Sturgell via Pixabay.