The three peaks of Barborka, Buchlov and Holé kopce in the Chřib range have been a dominant feature of the Uherskohradišť region since ancient times. The Chřiby Nature Park with its ring of foothill villages is not only a picturesque mountain range of forests, meadows with rare flowers, rocks and lonely boulders with faces modeled over millennia by the action of water and wind, but also a landscape of legends about Saints Cyril and Methodius, who in this part of Moravia, in near the nearby Veligrad, they left a significant mark. Buchlo Castle, the ruins of Cimburka Castle, the mysterious pulpit, the fabled Kozel, the barrow fields in Tabarky, these and many other objects bear the partly real, partly mythical traces of the man who lived, worked and died here. The aim of the documentary is not to teach the viewer, but to bring him closer to the genia loci of this mountain range.