Choose a card, Tarot and know who you are to him and how he sees you in his subconscious mind 🙄 and how to attract him to you and what is hidden from you in his personality 😁 Reading time Blue stone 05:11 Milky stone 39:05 Orange stone 01:06:38 Thank you for watching 🤗🙏🏻 Good luck everyone 💖💖💖 Background music Chill/ambient copy right free music Music without copyright and you can use it in any public video Link • Chill/Ambient (Copyright Free Music) Private reading information To book a reading, you can go to the website http://www.wixnet.net/shop To communicate, subscribe to my page on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/queenofthenigh... Subscribe to my page on Instagram / queenofthenight0000 Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell✅ Thank you for watching 💖 Good luck everyone 😀