ⓒ Unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, and reprocessing prohibited. View all - https://youtube.com/live/dVgNhTmwpSQ On the morning of the 12th, OhmyTV's 'Choi Kyung-young's Economic Ododok' conducted a live interview with Lee Kwang-soo, the CEO of Kwangsoo's Bokdeokbang. Host: Choi Kyung-young Composition: Lee Eun-young Editing: Kang Bo-hyeon, Kim Hyo-won Studio production and direction: Kwon Min-gu OhmyTV regular sponsorship phone subscription: 010-3270-3828 Direct subscription: http://omn.kr/5gcd OhmyTV one-time sponsorship account sponsorship: Nonghyup 003-01-196121 (Account holder: OhmyNews) Other methods (credit card, mobile phone, bank transfer, virtual account): http://omn.kr/1xec9 Advertising inquiries: [email protected]