● Today I offer you the recipe for Chinese, a soft brioche filled with pastry cream with chocolate chips and raisins, a great idea for a snack or breakfast for example! ???? ● Ingredients for the recipe (chinese 23cm in diameter): ● For the brioche dough: 400g flour (T45) 120ml milk 2 eggs 7g dehydrated baker's yeast 1 tsp. salt 50g sugar 1 sachet vanilla sugar 125g butter ● For the Chinese filling: 315ml whole milk 50g sugar 1 small egg 1 egg yolk 30g cornstarch 20g butter 1 vanilla pod (Papua Vanilla - https://www.davidvanille.com/fr/gouss...) 90g chocolate chips 50g raisins VANILLA PROMO CODE: GET 10% OFF ON THE DAVIDVANILLE.COM WEBSITE WITH MY CODE "JUSTINCOOKING" (https://www.davidvanille.com/fr/) ● I wish you a good appetite! ● If you want to follow my videos, don't hesitate to subscribe to my channel, it's free! ● Join me on Tuesdays and Fridays for a new recipe! ● My social networks: Facebook: / justincookingrecettes Instagram: / justincooking ● See you soon! ♡