Federal Government, Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Secretariat of State for Culture and Creative Economy of Rio de Janeiro, through the Aldir Blanc Law present: The Tarituba Ciranda School The folk dance group of Tarituba -Paraty -RJ resists by maintaining its traditions and dances passed down from generation to generation. Project ESCOLA DE CIRANDA TARITUBA -Paraty -RJ Audiovisual Direction: Aline Braida de Bulhões Lara *Subscribe to the channel, activate the bell to receive notifications of our next videos, and please don't forget to like and share. @secec#culturapopular #paratypatrimôniodahumanidade #folclorebrasileiro#sesecRJ #culturapresente #LeiAldirBlancRJ #retomadaculturalRJ.