???? EXPLORE THE UNIQUE ENERGY OF GAÚCHA MUSIC IN OUR EXCLUSIVE PLAYLIST: • BEST GAÚCHA SONGS: TOP 22 CLASSICS... ???? DO YOU DREAM OF HAVING YOUR VIDEO PLAYING AND/OR SINGING PUBLISHED ON OUR CHANNEL? THEN, CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP TO BE PART OF THIS MUSICAL COMMUNITY: +55 (51) 99955-9587. ???? FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas TIK TOK: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/usadisc... ???? CHECK OUT THE LYRICS OF THE SONG YOU LIKE: Chiquita, prepare some mate So we can chat a little How long has it been Chiquita, we've been living for each other It reminds you, old Chiquita, how long has it been Since we built this ranch about thirty years ago Chiquita, the years have passed I know I'm not young anymore Tell me if I look old, with those wrinkles on my face You know, old Chiquita, you're the same girl Although your hair is white, you haven't aged yet Chiquita, saddle up the mate and let's keep chatting It doesn't matter that time flies by outside Chiquita, a letter arrived that came from Quaraí Read it while we have mate It must be from the Chiquita boys It seems like I see the kids in retorço Making a fuss with the dogs Playing with cattle bones Little by little they grew up and left us alone And what was left of all this was our beautiful love Chiquita the barn is full We harvest for the whole year Let's spend this winter Calmly making out Chiquita it got dark and the moon in a gentle jolt Blessing the two of us kissing the quincha of the ranch COMPOSERS/LYRICS: IEDO SILVA - CALICO RIBEIRO ???? SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL TO FOLLOW THE LATEST NEWS. #riograndedosul #GauchoMusic #FarroupilhaWeek #TheBestGauchoSongs #AlmadoRioGrandeCandieiroCDBailãoGaúcho #GauchoMusic #GauchoMusic #The100MostPlayedGauchoSongs #MusicFromTheSouth #TraditionalMusic #The20BestGauchoSongs #MostPlayedGaucho #NativistMusic #TraditionalGauchoMusic #MostPlayedGauchoMusic #chiquita #iedosilva