Follow us at ????????https://bit.ly/wetvthai2 and enable the notification bell to receive our latest updates~ Synopsis: During the war, the five major poison sects emerged. In the past, there were five sacred sects, dividing the world into different parts. What power they had. But now they have disappeared, and the sect master has not been found. The only thing left is the Shenglin Sect, whose reputation has spread throughout the world and has become the number one sect under the heavens. Production Information Director: Zhang Jiahao Starring: Yu Shenguo / Yang Xiaoxuan / Wu Cheng / Wang Sheng Genre: Action / Period ★Subscribe Now★ ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频 - 动漫: http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ Drama: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ Drama: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞ Drama: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ Drama: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞ Drama Image source: https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞ Image: https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞ Image: https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞ OST精选:https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频 - 精选微剧: https://bit.ly/wetvminidrama ☞ 腾讯视频 - 脱口秀大会: https://bit.ly/wetvshow2 ☞ 腾讯视频 - 明星剧场:https://bit.ly/wetvartist ☞ 企鹅大影院:https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: http://bit.ly/CHUANG2021 ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Russian: https://bit.ly/wetvrus ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas ☞ WeTV World Drama: https://bit.ly/wetvinsub2 ☞ WeTV Hit Series: https://bit.ly/wetvthai2 ☞ WeTV Portuguese Animation: https://bit.ly/wetvptanime #ToadMorphologyKungFu #蛤蟆神功 #ChineseMoviesDubbedinThai #ChineseMoviesSubbedInThai #FullMovies #SciFi #Thriller #Fantasy #Adventure #wetvhitseries