'ABC E MENGJESIT' is the show that accompanies the start of your day since June 2020. This show is broadcast live from Monday to Friday, from 07.00 – 11.00. 'Abc e mengjesit' comes to your screen under the direction of the renowned journalist Enkel Demi, moderator Alban Musa and journalists Bora Shahini, Romina Braho and Matilda Zaimi. Current affairs, interviews, debates, the latest news, the daily press, personal stories, reports, useful information, cooking recipes and lots of entertainment come every day, from Monday to Friday, on 'Abc e mengjesit', in about 240 minutes of live broadcast every day. For the latest information click: Web: http://abcnews.al/ Facebook: / abcnews.al Instagram: / abcnewsal Subscribe to our channel on: youtube: / abcalbanian #abcnews #abcnewsalbania #abcjamegjesit