Sailing the Última Esperanza, a sea bus, we will travel between Dalcahue and the Chauques Islands. We will see how the Chilotes build their boats. In a village on stilts in Mechuque, a traditional game of Truco. On the island of Añihue, apple chicha and a Curanto await us, and in Chonchi, gold liquor. In Huillinco, Señora Coca, artisan of myths. In Cucao, the builders of rabeles. In Calen, we will participate in a Minga de Tiradura de Casa. Direction: Francisco Gedda Co-direction: Renato Cárdenas, Pedro Chaskel Script: Renato Cárdenas, Francisco Gedda Photography: Julia Muñoz / Sound: Pablo Pinto / Editing Pedro Chaskel Music: JM Miranda, JM Tobar Narration: Freddy Hube Al Sur del Mundo 1994 © Sur Imagen, 1994 https://alsurdelmundo.cl