Thank you for watching our video. REMEMBER,,!! not to be imitated, this video is made for entertainment only. This story is purely fictional, if there are similarities in the names of characters, places or events, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent. Also follow our Instagram account Mavia Project https://instagram.com/maviaproject_?i... Doni Setia A https://instagram.com/doni_aprillyant... Tajol https://instagram.com/dhedyhl_?igshid... Anam Rolling Rokok https://instagram.com/anamdoankzz?igs... Anton Kelap https://instagram.com/anton_prayoga17... -Tuyo https://instagram.com/hakim_mavia27?i... Ucing https://instagram.com/yudi_lukman_hak... Slamet DJ https://instagram.com/slamet_riyadico... Molyadi https://instagram.com/mas.iday?utm_me...