Friends, you can contact me directly in the VK group: vk.com/vasekdrive All the latest channel news and fresh videos are also posted there. - The latest videos are posted first on RUTUBE: https://rutube.ru/channel/17807739/ - You can also watch new videos on Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/622cef4e1df1... The last full-size frame GM sedan, famous in Russia and around the world Almost forgotten in its homeland and so famous here - why did this happen? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A colleague in the dangerous business, Vladimir Nevolin, helped me prepare this material, for which I am extremely grateful and heartfelt to him!!! On his channel, Vladimir talks about cars in movies and more! I highly recommend getting to know his work: www.youtube.com/...Q/featured ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember! Your comments, likes, constructive criticism - the best reward! Questions, wishes, suggestions: vk.com/vasekdrive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #chevroletcapriceclassic #chevycapriceclassic #chevroletcaprice #chevrolet #chevroletclassic #capriceclassic #chevycaprice #captice #шевролеткапризклассик #челвоплет #челволе #каприз #каприз #каприз #капризклассик #капризклассик #челволекапризклассик #шевролетаприз