[VIDEO 4] GRAND FINALE In this fourth and final video about the Chevening program series, I answer some questions you have about the program, the most popular being: CAN YOU SURVIVE ON THE MONEY FROM THE GRANT? Watch until the end to find out the answer. INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF STUDYING ABROAD RoadMap: https://leticiabittencourt.com/roadmap/ Abroad: https://leticiabittencourt.com/abroad CONNECT WITH ME WEBSITE: www.leticiabittencourt.com INSTAGRAM: @leticiabittencourtg SERVICES: [email protected] #scholarships #studyabroad #studyabroad #mastersineurope #workabroad#scholarship #exchange #unitedkingdom #chevening I was a 2017/2018 Chevening scholarship holder and since you send me a lot of questions about my experience on @leticiabittencourtg's IG, I decided to make a VIDEO SERIES about this scholarship program from the UK government in order to simplify the stages of the selection process.