Chery has become the largest foreign company in Russia, and among Chinese brands, Chery is the closest to becoming a global brand. But the company started with a terrible copy of the old Seat, on which it managed to raise capital. In this issue, I will tell you the most interesting things from the history of Chery, and separately talk about its failures and successes in Russia. 00:00 Introduction 00:48 Chery — a teenage company 01:32 Belongs to Anhui Province 01:52 China in the year of Chery's foundation 03:19 The first model — Amulet 05:31 Chinese bestseller 06:01 The rise and failure of "Amulet" 06:57 QQ and Tiggo 08:17 Investments in brains 10:39 Chery Tiggo lineup 11:07 Leader of the independent auto industry 11:58 China's main auto exporter 13:09 Chery in Russia 16:26 Why we don't have Chery factories 20:56 Where is Rosavtoprom heading? 22:23 The insatiable Chinese market