To subscribe to my channel, you can click the link http://wedia.link/DemetisilYilmaz. Hello everyone; Chemotherapy nutrition was one of the questions you asked me the most. What do I eat, how do I break down foods? Do I use alternative medicine to increase immunity and blood values? Would you share your meals? You can watch the video where I answer all these questions and especially include immune-boosting foods to protect ourselves from the Corona virus that we are all struggling with right now, and you can consume the foods you want with the permission of your doctor. Bon appetit, get well soon! Please don't forget to follow me on Instagram. Instagram: / demetisil To subscribe to my channel, you can click the link https://wedia.link/DemetIsil. Production: Demet Işıl and her Team Project: Demet Işıl ► All My Videos: https://wedia.link/TumVideolarm ► Who Am I?: https://wedia.link/BenKimim ► My Cancer Treatment Process: https://wedia.link/KanserTedaviSurecim ► My Pregnancy Period and Preparations: https://wedia.link/HamilelikDonemim ► Breastfeeding Period and Supplementary Nutrition https://wedia.link/EmzirmeDonemiVeEkGda ► My Polycystic Ovary Story: https://wedia.link/PolikistikOverHikayem Hello everyone; I'm Demet Işıl, sometimes a mother, sometimes a cancer warrior, sometimes an influencer, sometimes a Youtuber and sometimes a writer…” After starting my education in Antalya, I came to Istanbul and added another dimension to my life. “Communication Dimension” After graduating from Istanbul Commerce University, Department of Media and Communication Systems, I started my career and managed to fit national channels such as Kanal D, Cnn Türk, Atv, Kanal 7. With the development of technology and today’s conditions, I quickly transitioned to the internet sector and tried to make video programs on all channels belonging to Doğan Online. When there was no YouTube, I signed the first women’s internet program and continued my career as the Editor-in-Chief of Hürriyet Web tv, Mynet Nasıl Tv, Mynet Tv and İnsan Mynet, and I left the titles that did not go together with marriage and became a mother. The real story started here, while motherhood quickly distanced me from corporate life, it brought me together with Youtube and I started producing content for you first under the name Hello Anne Guru and then Demet Işıl. As the daughter of a music producer father and an accountant mother, whose life is full of surprises, I started my Youtube career without knowing that I would enter a great war and I rose rapidly with everyone knowing me as the girl with cancer. Why did I rise? Because this is a real life story.. The story of a woman who was born in 1988, Virgo, living in Istanbul, who lost her blonde hair and then her old identity, with deaths, illnesses and many struggles in it. While you are watching me, you will not only watch this woman here, but also many other women. Welcome… #DemetIşıl #strugglewillbeverybeautiful