Complete Chemistry class for Enem on Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium. Download the material and exercises related to this class for free: https://mailchi.mp/a94496c563cd/mater... 📕✏️ ➡️ Study CHEMISTRY with Prof. Leandro Leal! Check out the playlist of our Enem Extensive 2020: • Chemistry Enem Extensive 2020 NPAC ➡️ Follow the professor on social media: instagram.com/naopercaacabeca instagram.com/profleandroleal In today's class, Prof. Leandro Leal continued the content on Chemical Reactions and talked about Chemical Equilibrium, which studies the concentration of products and reactants during the occurrence of chemical reactions. You will learn about the concentration constant and the pressure constant, as well as the concept of chemical equilibrium itself and the speed of reactions (direct and inverse). You will also understand what a reversible reaction is and you will see the graphs and graphic representations used in these studies. This is a very frequent topic in Enem and other entrance exams, so pay attention to understand everything correctly and master the topic of chemical reactions, Chemical Equilibrium and Concentration Constant!