This film tells the story of Saideh's affair, Mad Sopi's wife, with Sarkawi. The spark of the affair began with a difficult economy coupled with her husband who went far away to work in Malaysia. Saideh is a depiction of a modern wife who lives an elite lifestyle despite a difficult economy. Her social life on social media influences her, so she is unable to live normally, and finally falls into an affair that destroys her household. This film tells the story of Saideh's affair, Mad Sopi's wife, with Sarkawi. The spark of the affair began with a difficult economy coupled with her husband who went far away to work in Malaysia. Saideh is a depiction of a modern wife who lives an elite lifestyle despite a difficult economy. Her social life on social media influences her, so she is unable to live normally, and finally falls into an affair that destroys her household. That's a brief description of the film Selingkuh episode 1. Enjoy watching. Hopefully useful and entertaining. That's a brief description of the film Selingkuh episode 1. Enjoy watching. Hopefully useful and entertaining.