Well, there is a backbone in this _____________________________________________________________________________ Some people admit the fact of fraud in front of their audience themselves, there are those who think they can get away with it, and then there are those who joke about the fraud until their audience believes that they are also innocent. Either way: SCAMMERS are everywhere. Whether they cheat in games or in any other area of life, sooner or later the truth is revealed about all of them - often live. And you must have already put together which of our series is next, plus, to be honest, you probably saw the title before you clicked on it, but the bottom line is, today, with the support of unibet, let the fraudsters, who failed in the fifteenth part live, follow! The sponsor of the channel is Unibet: https://bit.ly/unileet You will see the London streams here! / unibet_magyarorszag #játék #toplista #leet Support us with a channel membership and we will add even more extra content! / @buki_dani And you can find our fan discord server here: / discord ♦ FOLLOW ELSEWHERE ♦ ????Twitch: / adranash ????Facebook: / adranash ????Instagram: / adranash ????You can find more top lists on this playlist, you will surely find something you like! ???? • Top lists, selections ????????And here you can find our previous Lore videos, if you are more interested in them:???????? • Lore videos, game stories ☝☝ Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on our other videos! ☝☝