#k4sen #kasen #cutout #Rust #vodka #oboStreaming date 2022/06/23 [Rust final meeting] / 1511874313 k4sen / k4sen Vodka / vodkaplaysful Obo / obormentv Chapter 00:00 Streamer academic ability test 00:51 Obo's academic background 03:01 Homeless 04:21 Oisu cram school teacher 05:14 Actually, only the highly educated k4sen's videos are monetized. There are no ads on the videos currently uploaded by other streamers. We plan to upload videos of other streamers on an irregular basis in the future, but they will not be monetized. If there is a problem, we will immediately delete them. As for posts by other streamers, we will only upload those who have given us permission to post, or those who have given permission to post videos on the stream. We plan to upload videos of streamers who have given us permission without ads. I would like to upload short videos that do not overlap as much as possible with other streamers' main channels or existing clipping channels.