#humor #youtube #recommendations IF THE STREAM LAGS! GO TO VK PLAY: https://vkplay.live/gess1721 Donate on the stream: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/sash... Donate pay: https://new.donatepay.ru/@Gess1721 Donate on memes: https://memealerts.com/GESS1721 ___________________________________________________________________________ Help with details: Sberbank: 2202 2067 7542 4356 (Alexander Viktorovich P.) USDT crypto: tb1pzpqc0hvp8pxln03mtzccwt2slz795r45mcyg679tshlhcd884jfqprftmg And YUMoney: 4100117911424791 ___________________________________________________________________________ In the comments, indicate what you sent the donation for!!! Order music (up to 5 min) = 300 rubles (not rocker screams) Order video (1 min) = 100 rubles. Order video (7 min) = 300 rubles (then each minute for 100 rubles) Order video (20 min) = 1000 rubles (then each minute for 100 rubles) Order video (40 min) = 2200 rubles (then each minute for 100 rubles) Order video (1 hour) = 3500 rubles. Send a voice message on the stream = 300 rubles. Skip the interlocutor = 500 rubles. Two from GESS = 100 rubles. Questions about the USSR = 100 rubles. Turn off the music on the stream (for 1 hour) = 1500 rubles. Skip a track = 1000 rubles (if a person paid 1000 rubles for a song, then the skip increases by 1000 rubles, etc.) Turn the music back on = 1000 rubles. Become a moderator = 5000 rubles. Turn off music for the entire stream = 5000 rubles. SCREAMER ON DONATES: 111r. (Datsik growls) 222r. (Zhirinovsky) 555r. (Simonov aaaaa) 666r. (Ukrainian elephant) 1111r. (Vzhlink dudosery) 3333r. (Papich nyaaaa) 5555r. (Alexey Podnebesny at any cost) Voice acting of donations: 50-499r. (Ragnar wases dos wases das) 500-999r. (Maestro vas vollen vir trinken) 1000-2999r. (Tesak dances) 3000-4999r. (Yeltsin explodes under Rus') 5000r. (Zhirinovsky marches on Berlin) 7000r. (I dance to music) ___________________________________________________________________________ Boosty with trash content: https://boosty.to/gess1721 VK PLAY: https://vkplay.live/gess1721 Spare channel: / @sashagess2021 Telegram: https://t.me/sashagess1721 VK: https://vk.com/public212909092 Twitch: / sashagess ___________________________________________________________________________ #chatroulette #ukraine #russia #svo #news #history