"Chasing Two Hares" is a comedy feature film based on the play of the same name by Mikhail Staritsky. Original title: Chasing Two Hares Year of release: 1961 Genre: Comedy Director: Viktor Ivanov Starring: Oleg Borisov, Margarita Krinitsyna, Nikolai Yakovchenko, A. Kushnirenko, Nonna Koperzhinskaya, Natalya Naum, Anatoly Yurchenko, Konstantin Ershov, Taisiya Litvinenko, Olga Vikland, Nina Antonova About the film: Once upon a time there lived a young slacker named Golokhvosty. He ran his own barber shop in a Ukrainian town, which was in a deplorable state, but spent most of his time partying and playing cards. Having lost big, Golokhvosty decided to improve his affairs by getting married... Released: USSR Duration: 01:11:59