For business inquiries, please contact: +62 813-6681-1168 (Adrian) +62 822-8302-6624 (Niki) Also visit our social media at: Instagram: / . . Tiktok: / tuahkreasi ^^^ Meyden's Biography (MELINDA ROHITA) Meyden is a pro player and talent at Bigetron Esports, successful in the entertainment field. Meyden is currently active on social media Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Meyden often makes funny behavior so that her viewers continue to increase because of Meyden's funny actions. Before moving to Jakarta and becoming the Bigetron Esports Brand Ambassador, Meyden lived in Jambi. While in Jambi, she often participated in game competitions and often became the champion, this is what made her recruited to join the Esport Team and move to Jakarta. ^^^ Meyden complained about her life as a child from a broken home at the age of 16 and tried to move to Jakarta, She stole durian in Jambi when she was little, she became an admirer of Justin Bieber and Jefri Nichole, and even tried to find a way to get a guy when she was in high school because she was often rejected. How about you guys, are you waiting and curious? Watch the video until the end, my friends! #PrazTeguh #Meyden #SadiqHaha #Kejarsetoran #TuahKreasi