Among the topics covered in this video are: the history and evolution of charro pants; the cut of the pants and each of their parts; I will also talk about styles that are rarely used today, buttoning, their categories, decorations, colors, materials and even maintenance tips. INDEX of Topics covered in this video: 0:00 -Start 1:07 -History 4:06 Charro Salamantino vs Charro Mexicano 10:01 -Cut at the waist 11:00 -Loops 11:35 -Sides (Plain or with flap) 12:49 -Ways to close 14:02 -Pockets 14:37 -Belt at the back 15:23 -The rise 15:43 -Legs 17:36 -Bell 18:26 -Buttons 19:49 Trousers with decoration without buttons: work or half-gala? 21:49 -Categories 23:47 -Adornments 25:11 -Reinforcements 26:01 -Colors 26:36 -Material 27:08 Blanket lining 28:28 -Maintenance 29:48 Ironing with or without a crease 30:20 Points to consider when ordering a charro pant _________________________________________ A very sincere thank you to the following people who helped me in the making of this video: -Ana Becerril Lacavex -Claudia M. Jiménez Aguirre -Jorge Pérez from CABALLO CHARRO: A history of Mexico -Saúl Martínez from CULTRA-CHARRA -Javier Morales from DINASTÍA MORALES -Luis Aguilar from NOUHANDA -José Manuel Villalpando -Arturo Ruíz from CHARROS CULTURA e HISTORIA -Juan Pablo Campos _________________________________________ Some photos used in this video comes from the INAH Media Library: https://mediateca.inah.gob.mx _________________________________________ BLACKSMITHS ARTISANS: Don Ismael Zepeda Tel.: +52 1 222 711 7590 Don Antonio Serrano Soledad Tel.: +52 1 55 5987 6533 _________________________________________ BOOTS AND BOOTS JALISCO: Brand “Zapata” Don Silvino Menéz Aviléz Tel.: +52 1 777 169 8796 _________________________________________ MY TAILOR: Javier Morales INSTAGRAM: dinastia_morales WHATSAPP: 044 55 40736823 FACEBOOK: dinastia morales-trajes de charro / dinastiam.trajesdecharro _________________________________________ CHARRO FRAMES “PRESERVING THE ESSENCE” Information or orders: [email protected] or https://www.jagui.com/cotizador-de-mo... _________________________________________ MY SOCIAL NETWORKS: FACEBOOK: / pagina.preservandolaesencia INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/preservando... PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/preserva... FLICKR: https://www.flickr.com/people/1817997... _________________________________________ If you are interested in supporting my project of PRESERVING THE ESSENCE of Charrería in a more direct way, become my patron through PATREON, or perhaps you know of a company that would be interested in supporting me with sponsorships or advertising in my videos. Additionally, this will allow me to have more time to create more videos: / preservinglaesencia Thank you and see you soon! Eduardo