In the following video, I explain the clinical picture of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, as the Americans call it. This video is primarily intended to buy time, as many people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder carry this suffering around with them for far too long, and as a result post-traumatic stress disorder can lead to other comorbid illnesses (addiction, depression). First, the trauma triad of PTSD is presented, consisting of intrusion, reliving, post-traumatic avoidance, and so-called hyperarousal. The individual characteristics are then broken down in the video. The video begins with the different forms of reliving through intrusions, flashbacks, and nightmares. It then goes on to show different types of post-traumatic avoidance, i.e. avoiding traumatic stimuli, which everyone suffering from PTSD does, and finally shows the enormous nervous hyperarousal that patients suffer from, and which not infrequently leads to massive comorbid illnesses. Find out more on my website: https://psychotherapie-ruland.de