Characteristics of people who are good at interpersonal relationships - These speaking habits and attitudes, losing people Everyone wants to get along well with good people. However, some people do well as they want, and some do not. Why do people who do not do well in interpersonal relationships do so? Are people around me leaving because of careless words and attitudes? Let's learn about the words and attitudes that you should absolutely be careful of in life and lose people. #Characteristics of people who are good at interpersonal relationships #Speaking habits #Recovering friendships #Hurts in interpersonal relationships Yoo Se-mi's workplace class cafe https://cafe.naver.com/rlatjdqls53 Yoo Se-mi's life class blog https://blog.naver.com/perpetua0919 Host: Yoo Se-mi, author of 'To Manager Kim, who goes to work today' Lecture inquiries: 010-2326-8805 / [email protected]