I will detail the characteristics that will help you discover which subseason you belong to, following the theory of the 12 seasons of colorimetry. I will not only talk about the temperature (cold and warm), but also the value (light or dark) and the chroma (bright or soft), thus being able to know what characteristics your hair, skin and eyes have. Using a points system, you will be able to know if instead of belonging to one of the 4 typical seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn), you belong to a specific subseason: cold summer, cold winter, warm autumn, warm spring, dark (or deep) autumn, dark winter, light spring, light summer, bright spring, bright winter, mild summer or mild autumn. 👉❗❗❗There is a second video to clarify doubts: • Chapter 3 I DON'T KNOW WHAT SUBSTATION I AM... I hope it helps you and that you can reach the diagnosis. A big kiss #COLORIMETRYWITHPATIKAS #STUDIODECOLORPATIKAS #ESTUDIOCOLOR