Change the order of the channels? We'll show you that and more about the channel list and the media libraries at GigaTV in this video. 00:00 I Introduction 00:25 I Channel overview 01:00 I Channel sorting 01:51 I Media libraries You can find more information and help about GigaTV at: ► https://www.vodafone.de/gigatv-hz-hilfe/ Find out about your switch to GigaTV: ► https://vod.af/horizon-gigatv-yt Subscribe to our YouTube channel here: ► https://vod.af/VodafoneDeutschland Visit our online help: ► https://vod.af/onlinehilfe-yt Questions or comments? Contact us: ► Facebook: / vodafonedese. . ► Twitter: / vodafoneservice ► Vodafone Community: https://vod.af/community-yt