Hello. Today we will continue the topic of periodic car maintenance, namely, I will show the procedure for changing the oil and oil filter in the engine. The model for replacement will be the VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN 2.0TSI CCTA car. Although the procedure itself is not very complicated, as everywhere there are nuances. What oil and filter is used on this car, see my next videos. We do the replacement on a hot engine, preferably immediately after the trip. The whole process is filmed in as much detail as possible, so the video is relatively long. Even if you are not going to service the car yourself, knowing the technology of the process for monitoring servicemen will be very useful! I hope the video turned out to be clear and easy, and even useful to someone! If at some point something is not clear, there are questions, or you disagree with something, ask questions, write comments, talk, discuss. If you are interested in this topic, put your thumb up, subscribe to the channel. Thanks for watching. #THEmasteROCKTV