In this new session with Jon we resolve some of the doubts that you have been asking him a lot lately: How to work when we have very strong sunlight and combine with flash or diffusers, in order to obtain great results and convey what we have proposed. Sign up now on our education platform http://jonhernandez.education/ and access exclusive content! Complete lighting courses, live master classes every month, Q&A live streams, Raw downloads, actions, ebooks, Forum for questions, and much more! Sign up now! http://jonhernandez.education/ DOWNLOAD THE FREE EBOOK HERE!! http://kubestudio.com/iluminacion-ext... Are you a lover of lighting and the world of portraiture? Do you want to learn new techniques to improve your photos? SUBSCRIBE to continue learning how to take high quality portraits http://www.youtube.com/user/kubestudi... CONNECT WITH US! Here are the links to all our networks so you can stay up to date at all times / thekubestudio / jonhernandezphotography / kubestudio / jonhernandezphotography