Are you interested in how you can easily change something in your life - for yourself and others? Then visit our website and find out how you can get started professionally or privately with the MINDCLEANSE® method. We live the change in consciousness and for us that means that we too are transforming ourselves as therapists and coaches. Leaving everything as it is means that nothing changes. And if nothing changes, nothing can get better. We all see where old patterns have led us. And even if we have now learned and learned X scientific theories, models and approaches to change - why don't we implement them?! Because our mind is not capable of doing so. It can explain why something is the way it is, but it cannot change anything. It lives on the basis of past experiences and makes its decisions based on them. So how can it have NEW ideas for the future? That's why we start with MINDCLEANSE® in people's feelings. Because from our experience, something only changes inside and outside of us when our heart is touched and opens up to it. Only with our deep feelings and a connection to our true core can we find ideas and solutions on how to shape our future. Only with a deep feeling can our inner ideas become our external reality. At MINDCLEANSE® we don't need months or years for this. We enable changes in feelings and, as a result, in thinking and behavior in a short time. Because we don't waste valuable time in hours of conversation. With our tools we work directly in the subconscious and energy field. More information https://juliableser.de https://mindcleanse.de