Through disappointments and difficulties, we can gain experience and tools to move forward, to improve our situation and to improve ourselves. However, we must be aware that there will be risks and possibly disappointments. And when we try, things happen. Federico Villani, through his life experience and profession as a Transformational Coach, explains how to face dark moments and then find the light again. Transformational Executive Coach Senior & Sales Trainer Poliziano, Federico manages the leading coaching company in Italy. He teaches how to use the mind as an accelerator of results and not as a brake, to face challenging situations or to create excellence in one's field. He says of himself: curious and passionate traveler, lover of water in all its forms, promoter of personal freedom, palate for good things at the table. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx