Today I'm rolling dice to determine what I'm adding to my pizza! Each number on the die corresponds to a category of ingredients like different types of dough, sauces, cheeses, toppings, and condiments! Will the random combination of ingredients be good or absolutely TERRIBLE? Let's see! ► MY HOT SAUCE: http://lapimenterie.com/Gurky-kumquat... ► INSTAGRAM: / legurky ► MERCH: https://legurky.com ► SUBCHANNEL: https://bit.ly/2wgSB9c ► TIKTOK: / gurkytiktok ► TWITTER: / legurky ► TWITCH: / gurkylive ► FACEBOOK: / legurky ► THE EQUIPMENT I USE: Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/shop/gurky France: https://www.amazon.fr/shop/gurky Professional contact (partnerships, sponsors, collaborations): Canada and America: [email protected] France and Europe: [email protected] Editing: / @dantazzz