As if so many new obligations for the MEI were not enough, 2024 also brings a Bill already approved in record time by a committee of the Chamber of Deputies that aims at the automatic cancellation of the MEI's CNPJ and the judicial execution that can culminate in the seizure of assets and blocking of the Individual Micro Entrepreneur's bank account. 🛑 Check out the Spreadsheet we made for you, Individual Micro Entrepreneur: ➡️ To get this Spreadsheet, just Click Here: https://bit.ly/3yUo9OJ-RelatorioDoMei _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅ Social Networks (CONTACT) 📸 Instagram: / canaltenharenda 👥 Facebook: / canaltenharenda 📞 YouTube VIP Community: http://bit.ly/2IZwXLj-SejaMembros Note: By becoming a Member of our YouTube VIP community, you will have several benefits such as our WhatsApp number, priority in responses, phone calls, choice of future videos, exclusive giveaways, and much more. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 📫 PROFESSIONAL/COMMERCIAL CONTACT ➡ Contact: https://tenharenda.net.br/contatos We can promote your Product, Service or Company to more than 300 thousand people for a super affordable price.