The deputy of Italia Viva reconstructed in the Chamber the story of the halt to the adjustment of the deputies' allowance (Ansa) «You can be defined with only one word: miserable». Roberto Giachetti of Iv shouted this in the Chamber of the Chamber, addressing the M5S benches, while from the Fdi benches a chorus of shouts in time «buffoons, buffoons!» started towards the five-star movement. Giachetti reconstructed in the Chamber the story of the halt to the adjustment of the deputies' allowance, approved unanimously, he recalls, by the Office of the Presidency of Montecitorio on the unanimous proposal of the quaestors. «A second after the resolution was approved — Giachetti says, speaking on the order of business — the quaestor of the M5S launched a note to the press in which he claimed that the decision was the result of the Movement's battle. To those who pointed out that it wasn't true, Scerra apologized, explaining that he had sent the note by mistake. But then, in the evening, another note from the M5S comes out in which it is reiterated that that decision was taken only because the pentastellati had chained themselves, almost thrown out the window. You can be defined with only one word: miserable". At that point the applause for Giachetti begins. From Fdi they shout "buffoons" and the Five Stars remain as if stunned. When the group leader Silvestri asks to speak it is too late: the vice president Rampelli had already suspended the session. ( Corriere Tv ). Watch the video on Corriere: https://video.corriere.it/politica/ca...