VII Seminar on Fiscal Justice and Gender and Race Inequality: Challenges of the 2024-2027 PPA: the implementation of transversal agendas December 10, starting at 5 pm Organized by the Center for Studies on Power, Economy and Crisis at UFF, Elas N'Orçamento Network and with the support of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Extension (Proex-UFF). Guests: Rita Santos (Elas N'Orçamento/Federal Senate) Flavia Nascimento (Deputy Secretary for National Planning/MPO) Gilda Cabral (CFEMEA) Lucilene Morandi (Center for Research on Economy and Gender at UFF) Mediation: Andrea Ribeiro (NEPEC/UFF and GT Fiscal Justice Elas N'Orçamento) REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/u9V4SYd6jJr8Czs37 CONTACT: [email protected]