Jan Anthonie Bruijn (Chairman of the Senate) repeatedly deprives Marjolein Faber (PVV) of the floor during the General Political Considerations '22 in the Senate, all relevant fragments (compiled). Speaker: Marjolein Faber Party for Freedom. Interruptions by: Alexander van Hattem PVV, Peter Schalk SGP. Chairman: Jan Anthonie Bruijn. Ministers: Prime Minister Mark Rutte - Minister of Finance Sigrid Kaag. Fragments from: General Political Considerations '22. Location: Senate. Chairman Bruijn invokes the Rules of Procedure: 'We are now at article 94 paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure, you have used insulting expressions towards our guests here, the Cabinet' ---------------------------------- Thanks for watching & don't forget to subscribe for your daily dose of politics. Subscribe to Arnews ▶ https://bit.ly/2V7xP3O Support Arnews by liking it. You can comment in the comments. ---------------------------------- Disclaimer Everyone is free to express their opinion here, without personally bothering anyone else with it. Self-promotion & threats are not allowed! I want to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves, but keep it fun. If you disagree with each other, you can block via the dots next to someone's message. Due to everyone's own safety and my responsibility, I cannot allow links in the chat and comments. NL Freedom of expression is protected in the Netherlands in Article 7 of the Constitution. This article of the constitution primarily stipulates that no one needs prior permission from the government to write or say something. We call this the prohibition of censorship. Freedom of information (or freedom of information) refers to the protection of the right to freedom of expression with regard to the Internet and information technology (see also digital rights). EU Article 11 - Freedom of expression and information 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authorities and regardless of frontiers. 2. The freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected. ---------------------------------- Live images from the Senate. The Senate of the States General cannot assume responsibility for the topicality and accuracy of extracted information. Thanks for watching. Source: EersteKamer.nl ----------------------------------