The biology teacher and researcher, Roberto García, invites the community to identify the insect, known as 'Chinche' or 'Pito', in order to be prepared. Two of the four reported cases are students from the University of the Atlantic. The biologist explained that the insect feeds on blood. When it bites the skin, it produces a double protuberance, causing infection by the insect's feces that contain the parasites. These enter the bloodstream and multiply mechanically when the person scratches themselves. When finding a 'Chinche' or 'Pito', it is recommended to take it to the Ministry of Health to be reported, and in turn, the area where it was found to be evaluated. SOCIAL NETWORKS FACEBOOK: EL AMBITO NOTICIAS Link: https://www.facebook.com/elambitonoti... INSTAGRAM: ELAMBITO Link: / elambito TWITTER: @ELAMBITO Link: / elambito