⇒ Free Online Volleyball Course - http://bit.ly/curso-volei-gratis ⇒ Free Physical Education Material - https://bit.ly/material-ed-fisica ⇒ Volleyball Playlist - https://bit.ly/playlist-voleibol ⇒ Online Volleyball Course - http://bit.ly/mais-voleibol ⇒ International Volleyball Course - https://bit.ly/curso-volei-online ⇒ Full Article - https://bit.ly/central-voleibol Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / physical education tips What is the Center in Volleyball? The Center in Volleyball is a player specialized in Blocking and Attacks in the middle of the net, hence the name “Center”. What is the Function of the Center in Volleyball? The functions of the Center in Volleyball are: Quick attacks from the middle of the net; Being the “center” of the Block for your team; Always pulls the first ball attacks (midfield) to hold back the opponent's block and facilitate attacks from his team's wingers; The Center Player usually does not participate in the Reception of the Serve; In the defense zone (back of the court), the Center Player participates in the Serve, but is replaced by the Libero when his team is being attacked. #CentralNoVoleibol #Volleyball #PhysicalEducationTips