Allan called the Consumer Patrol after having a major headache with a mechanic's shop. It all started when he took his car to have some engine problems fixed. When the car was ready, Allan noticed that it was leaking oil. The employee told him that he should have the injectors and radiator cleaned somewhere else. Then, he would have to send proof of the services within 48 hours, otherwise he would lose the warranty, which ended up happening. Celso Russomanno went to the shop to try to resolve the situation, but, given the mechanic's attitude, he had to call the police. See! Our Whatsapp: https://cidadealerta.r7.com/whatsapp Subscribe to the Cidade Alerta channel: http://r7.com/0Fhv Watch the full videos on PlayPlus: https://www.playplus.com Facebook: / cidadealertarecord Instagram: / cidadealerta Twitter: / cidadealerta Official website: https://recordtv.r7.com/cidade-alerta #CidadeAlerta #PatrulhadoConsumidor