The 2nd Akane Hanashi Gathering was a real rakugo event held to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the serialization of Akane Hanashi. Rakugo artists performed stories related to Akane Hanashi on the actual stage! This time, the classic rakugo story "Giboshu" was performed by Akane's senior apprentice, Aragawa Koguma. It was delivered by Yanagiya Kyotaro. [Cast] Hayashiya Keiki Kokontei Shiichi Ryusai Teikyou Togetsuan Hakushu Edoya Nekohachi Yanagiya Kyotaro The latest 12th volume of the Akane Hanashi comics will be released on July 4th! #AkaneHanashi #YanagiyaKyotaro #Rakugo #Giboshu ★Click here for related videos of Akane Hanashi! Akane Hanashi x Wanuka "Kotodama" Collaboration PV [Official] • Akane Hanashi x Wanuka "Kotodama" Collaboration PV [Official] Akane Hanashi - Akane VS Hikaru PV - • [Congratulations! [2nd Anniversary of the Series] "Akane Banashi" - Akane VS Hikaru PV - [Official] Akane Banashi Introductory PV (NA: Kaida Yuko) • [Official] Akane Banashi Introductory PV (NA: Kaida Yuko) [Jump Animeism] [Official] "Akane Banashi" [PV to commemorate the release of the latest volume 3 ~Karaku Cup Edition~] • [Official] "Akane Banashi" [PV to commemorate the release of the latest volume 3 ~Karaku Cup Edition~] [Official] "Akane Banashi" - Akane's Rakugo - • [Official] "Akane Banashi" - Akane's Rakugo - [PV to commemorate the release of the latest volume 4 / This Manga is Amazing... ★Click here to purchase or read a sample of the e-book "Akane Banashi" by Suenaga Hiroki and Umagami Takamasa▼ https://www.s-manga.net/items/content... ★Click here to purchase or read a sample of the e-book "Oregolazo" by Umagami Takamasa▼ https://www.s-manga.net/items/content... ★Click here for the official Weekly Shonen Jump website▼ https://www.shonenjump.com/j/ ★Click here for the Jump+ app▼ https://shonenjumpplus.com/app ★Click here for the official Jump Channel Twitter▼ https://x.com/jumpch_youtube ★Click here for the official Shonen Jump Editorial Department Twitter▼ https://x.com/jump_henshubu