In this third episode of the Probatus series, Fábio Macedo (a member of all our PRF mock exam classes) tells us a little about his journey until he achieved his dream of passing the PRF exam. About us: We are Projeto Caveira, specialists in mock exams for police careers with over 1,750 successful candidates who were actually our members and were part of our group and our platform. This is Police and NOTHING ELSE!!! Follow us on Instagram: / projeto_caveira Visit our website: https://www.projetocaveira.com.br Shortcuts to our website: https://www.projetocaveira.com.br/links/ And remember to like the video, comment on what you thought and subscribe to our channel. Don't forget to send this video to your friends who are also in the battle to pass a police exam. We will have more episodes soon. #WEBELONG