Title: ???? Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Cavalcade 2025: A Magical Day of Families and Tradition Description: Experience the magic of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Cavalcade from start to finish! ???????????????????? In this video, we take you on a unique tour where children and parents enjoy this special moment full of excitement, color, and tradition. From the decorated floats to the moments of shared joy, join us in this celebration that brings the whole family together. ???? Don't forget to subscribe for more magical moments from our local festivals. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Title: ???? Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Parade 2025: A Magical Day of Families and Tradition Description: Experience the magic of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Parade from start to finish! ???????????????????? In this video, we take you on a unique journey where children and parents enjoy this special moment full of excitement, color and tradition. From the decorated floats to the moments of shared joy, join us in this celebration that brings the whole family together. ???? Don't forget to subscribe for more magical moments from our local festivals. ????????????????????????????????????????????????