Bandung, became the second city of choice in Mata Najwa on Stage. The four pairs of candidates for governor and deputy governor of West Java, became resource persons and enlivened Panggung Jabar: Merayu yang Muda. Behind the presence of these resource persons, there was a research team that monitored their certainty and arrival. Fitra Tama, one of the research team. Not only monitoring the resource persons, Kejar Tayang also recorded how Fitra's story was tasked with finding strong data for the balance of each resource person. Fitra was so enthusiastic, she even researched on the train and in her bedroom! There was also the story of Ratih Manukas, the only production assistant on the Mata Najwa team. Can you imagine how complicated it was to ensure all the administrative needs for the smooth running of MOS Bandung by herself? For example, dividing the chairs for the invited guests, which were not a small number. So, what happened next? Click Kejar Tayang now! (Narration) #MataNajwaOnStageBandung #KejarTayang #NarasiTV Don't forget to subscribe, leave comments and share.. / najwashihab / najwashihab / najwashihabofficial