The cultivation of cassava, or cassava here in the south, is very valuable to the producer. Due to the short production window for cassava in the south of Brazil, it is necessary to shorten its cycle as much as possible. It is preferable to have Cassava: Harvest in 6 months. And how to achieve this feat: Cassava: Harvest in 6 months. To achieve this, a set of actions is necessary. We have already produced several materials in this sense, but our evidence seems offensive. Cassava: Harvest in 6 months. If it were impossible, they would not produce cassava here in the south. Leaving an area of land with cassava for two years, and only then harvesting it, would be unfeasible. When we use the most suitable soil, we do not excessively lime, we use phosphorus and potassium fertilization, we prepare a good winter cover, we clean the field, especially at the beginning of the plants' installation, the result is this. Cassava: Harvest in 6 months. Business contact [email protected] Course: Orchard, Planting without Complicating. https://hotmart.com/pt-br/marketplace...