The main character of this animated series is a friendly and charming ghost named Casper. Some may think that such ghosts simply do not exist, because the calling of ghosts is to be horror stories and scare people. But Casper is an exception to this rule. More than anything in the world, he wants to meet loyal and devoted friends, which is not so easy even for a friendly ghost. The kid does not even have time to open his mouth and introduce himself, as all the people run away in all directions. But the kind and harmless nature of this little ghost still attracts, like a magnet, cheerful and kind friends who do not pay attention to the appearance of their new friend. Casper knows how to appreciate true friendship and always comes to the rescue even in those cases when it would seem that it is no longer possible to help. Also, the kind ghost has his own relatives, who certainly cannot be called kind. The "ghost Trio" belongs to such relatives. Like Casper, they live in the old Whipstaff manor, trying every minute to follow the classic idea of the life and behavior of ghosts. Overall, it turned out to be a rather fascinating and interesting story that is worth watching for both children and adults.