We resume the most important initiative of La Buena Hechura with one of the most iconic tailor shops in the country; @casimiressantana869 Even though we have known the master Miguel Ángel Santana for more than 5 years; collaborating, learning and snatching with him at different times in LBH's career, we had never had the opportunity to have a Sartorial Crusade in the right way, with his work, style, cut and tailoring... But we vindicated ourselves! For this occasion we started with the measurements, choice of fabric (a seersucker in windowpane from @vitalebarberiscanonico9558 via @casacuestayoutube) and the design of the suit. Having seen the video, tell us what did you think of the order? Did you already know the work of the master Santana? Would you use that fabric for a 3-piece? Long live Mexican tailoring! Part two coming soon.