Cartoon Pet Shop. Speechless. An unusual pet comes to Little Pet Shop, and Blythe doesn't understand it! This has never happened before, so what's going on? Moreover, the other pets don't understand the newcomer either! Minka claims that their new friend must be speaking Icelandic! But after hearing her friend, Young Mi, speak, Blythe remembers that this language is Korean! All that's left is a small matter! Translate what Jebi, as they called her, needs and help! See if Blythe can do it on the Friendship channel - it's a miracle in a cartoon for children about Petshop! Subscribe to the Friendship is a Miracle channel to stay up to date with new cartoons about Pet Shop and Little Pony: https://www.youtube.com/c/Friendshipi... All cartoons about Little Pet Shop: • ????Cartoons Little Pet Shop (Littl... All episodes of the animated series My Little Pony: • ????Animated series Friendship is a miracle! My M... Watch other interesting animated series online: Transformers: / @transformersrussian Chuck and his friends cars: / @chuckandfriendsrussia